
Groupon: 2 Month Lego Subscription with up to $400 Worth of Lego Rental Sets as low as $19!

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3We all know that with Legos, you can build the structures of your dreams, like a giant castle or a studio apartment with an eat-in kitchen. But check out how you can construct something incredible with this Groupon!!!

Choose Between Two Options

With the Advanced Designer subscription, Netbricks will deliver up to $200 worth of rental Lego sets to your home from its extensive catalog of new, retired, and classic sets. Master Builder subscribers receive up to $400 worth of Lego sets. Sets receive medical-grade sanitization, and all pieces and instructions are accounted for before they get to your home. See the FAQs.

Each rental cycle lasts 60 days, so customers have at least that long to enjoy their selections. Those that need more time with their sets can simply hold onto their current set, and the next one in their queue will be shipped when the current set is returned. Note that if sets are returned early, the next set won’t be sent until the start of the next rental cycle.

Wow!  What a great concept!  My son would love this!


Getting a subscription to Netbricks is like being handed the key to a never-ending toy store. Once you’ve signed up, you can browse the company’s gigantic collection of Lego sets, which spans both classic and modern themes. Netbricks ships your chosen set to your door—but not before sorting and sanitizing each brick. Families can then build such staggering creations as a Star Wars Sandcrawler, the White House, or a medieval castle besieged by a dragon.

Customers play with their Lego sets for as long as they like, then send them back in exchange for a new one or, if they’re especially enamored, purchase select sets at a discount. Netbricks doesn’t even charge you if you happen to lose a few pieces to the vacuum or a hungry dog who wants to build a model spaceship. And if you want to break out your own set of bricks, the staff can sanitize and sort your legos for a by-the-pound fee.

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