
Groupon: Extra 20% Off ANY Local Deal (Two Days Only): $30 The Body Shop Voucher Only $12 + More

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Today and tomorrow only, Groupon is offering an additional 20% off ANY Local Deal with the promo code GIFT20 at checkout (up to a $50 discount) – valid on up to 3 vouchers! This is a great time to save on a local restaurant, beauty or spa, entertainment, fitness membership, and more! Note that this code does exclude Cinetopia and Jamba Juice offers.

2 Consider using this code to snag a voucher for $30 worth of natural skincare, makeup, hair, and body products from The Body Shop for ONLY $12 after code GIFT20 OR $50 worth of natural skincare, makeup, hair, and body products from The Body Shop for only $20 after code GIFT20!  You should be able to snag quite a few items in-store with either voucher (note that these vouchers are NOT valid online)…great for stocking stuffers, teacher gifts, and more!5Or grab this $50 Brookstone voucher for only $25 so just $20 after the promo code GIFT20 at checkout! This voucher is valid in-stores or online and should make for a nice deal on unique gifts and innovative products (excludes FitBit products and gift cards).

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