
Groupon: PlayStation 4 500GB Console Only $359.99 Shipped (Today Only!)

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4In the market for a PlayStation 4 or know of someone who’d love one for Christmas? Hurry on over to Groupon where you can score this Sony PlayStation 4 500GB Console for $399.99 + Free Shipping. Even sweeter, through today ONLY, you can use the code SALE to save an additional 10% off ANY Groupon Goods item, which drops the price of this console to just $359.99 (+tax) shipped. Awesome!6In addition, through today only, Groupon is offering up 20% off ANY Local Deal and 10% off ANY Getaways Deal when you use the code SALE at checkout (up to a $50 discount). This code is valid on a single Local voucher, Goods unit, or Getaways flash deal per customer.

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