
Ruta Sleep and Ruta Cleanse Rest, Relax and Calm Product Review! & Giveaway!

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Disclosure: I received this product as a Bulu Box affiliate. Interested in trying your own box of healthy monthly motivation? Click here for an exclusive discount! ?50% OFF a 3 month subscription with code NIMMICH! 1As a Bulu Box affiliate, I received a sample of both RutaCleanse and RutaSleep to try.  Last weekend I went on a 2 night bus trip to NYC (I live in NC so it was a fairly long trip!) and I knew I would need to use caffeine to “stay awake and alert” during the trip.  Our nightly accommodations consisted of trying to sleep on the bus, along with the 56 other people…in an upright position!  All things considered, I didn’t get very much sleep! 🙁  I knew I would have trouble sleeping, not only because I had to sleep on a moving bus, but also because I visited Starbucks 4 times that day (no joke!  I couldn’t pass up the Buy 1 Holiday Drink & Get 1 Free deal!!) Needless to say, when I got on the bus Saturday night, I was jittery from all the coffee I had consumed and I was thankful I had my samples!  Since our tour guide said we would be stopping at a rest area within 2 hours of leaving NYC, I thought it was a great opportunity to try the RutaSleep product.  I wanted to go ahead and take it since the directions recommend taking it 2 hours before bedtime.  To my surprise, by the time the bus stopped at the rest area, I was getting really, really sleepy!  I was shocked!
Why has no one ever thought of this before?
Gosh,even on regular day, when I’m at work I get really tired in the afternoons and often drink coffee (or Diet Mountain Dew!) to put a little kick back in my step but will often cause me to be UP ALL NIGHT!!! I know some of you may use energy drinks to get a “pick-me-up” so you can keep going until bedtime (I’ve never really gotten into those)…all of those may cause us to be faced with the problem of not being able to fall asleep. Here a little more information on two great natural solutions for this problem, RutaSleep and RutaCleanse!!!

3RUTA Sleep uses the gentle power of fruit-derived Rutaecarpine to speed up the naturally occurring enzymes in your body that break down caffeine. I never realized that your body can take up to 15 hours to break down caffeine completely. You know that feeling when you are all hopped up, tense and overstimulated. RUTA Sleep blends Rutaecarpine with the natural sleep aid Melatonin in a special time-release formula. RUTA Sleep eases the stress of caffeine use and promotes deep, restful sleep.2
  • Take two hours before sleep for best results
    • Only for caffeine consumers. RUTA Cleanse will have no effect on non-caffeine users.

2You probably know those caffeinated beverages can leave you feeling jittery after a while. You can reduce some of the over-stimulation from caffeinated beverages or other products with RUTA Cleanse. It contains 100 mg of Rutaecarpine, found in the Evodia fruit.  RUTA Cleanse calms and relaxes while actually reducing your body’s caffeine levels. RUTA Cleanse was developed by a father and son pharmacist team to speed up the naturally occurring enzymes in your body that break down caffeine.  RUTA Cleanse helps you feel a decrease in tension and stress within two hours! *1RutaCleanse contains 100mg of Rutaecarpine from the Evodia fruit. The Evodia fruit is native to China and Korea and has been used for digestion problems and lack of appetite in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many years. Recently data published in the Archives of Pharmacal Research evaluated the effect of on caffeine. The results suggest that Rutaecarpine increases the metabolism of caffeine in rats. Several other medical sites suggest that Evodia may reduce the efficacy of caffeine. RutaCleanse is a supplement that may speed up the rate at which caffeine is broken down and removed from the body.

  • 100mg of Rutaecarpine normally found in the Evodia Fruit
  • Calming, Eases tension, Decreases over-stimulation.
  • Packaged under Current Good Manufacturing Practices in the USA
  • May reduce caffeine levels to promote rest and relaxation.
  • Created by Pharmacists

3Want to try this out for yourself? Get Ruta Cleanse or Ruta Sleep from the Bulu Box shop. You can find more information about RutaCleanse and RutaSleep on the Bulubox site as well.

Enter my Rafflecopter giveaway here.

Always check with your physician before starting any supplement product and specifically Ruta Sleep or Ruta Cleanse. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare professional prior to use if you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.

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